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Failed American War

The latest study published by (BBC) informs the readers that technology has failed to defeat the barbarians, as the US and its allies called the Taliban while beating the drums of war. But arrogance and sense of superiority will not allow the US government to accept its defeat in Afghanistan. Instead, America will find a scapegoat for its failures in destroying the Taliban. All policies to assist the successive Afghan governments in bringing normalcy to Kabul have failed. Even the Trump’s announced South Asia strategy is giving no headway to Afghan and American forces against Taliban.

The BBC report reveals that despite spending billions of dollars to beat Taliban, the group is actively operating across 70 percent of Afghan territory. While the Afghan government denounced the report, the three strikes in last two weeks leaving 200 people dead in Kabul alone is enough to tell which narrative to believe in. And today, it’s not only Taliban challenging the US forces and Ghani’s government. Islamic State (IS), as was feared by many that it would find shelter in Afghanistan after the group suffered defeat in Syria, is consolidating its power on the outskirts of Kabul. The proof of increasing influence of IS lies in its 18 strikes on Kabul since last year.

Instead of comprehending the causes of Taliban’s resurgence, Trump administration is channeling out its frustration on Islamabad. What can be said of the latest document released by White House indicating authority being given to American Commanders to deal with alleged terrorists havens inside Pakistan, other than a foolish move on American part. The latest spree of rage directed against Pakistan can be seen as US attempt to find a scapegoat for being unable to control the deteriorating security situation in Afghanistan.

Nevertheless, it is high time for America to stop finding scapegoats for its failures in Afghanistan. Instead, it needs to revisit its approach to counter-terrorism. Study after study suggests that American way of dealing with terrorist networks have been failing since 2001. Bilateral relations between the US and Pakistan will see improvement if Washington stops playing blame games. The trust deficit needs to be bridged. Washington needs to take the initiative.

Before asking Pakistan to do more in its territory, the US needs to take care of the lands that fall under their direct control and influence.

Content for December 10, 2024 is not available

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