Expensive education

A significant number of parents have been facing myriad dif­ficulties paying their children’s fees due to the expensive educa­tion system in the country. Expen­sive education has caused count­less difficulties for people as they are unable to afford the fees of pri­vate institutions. 

This is also reflected in the fig­ures mentioned in the report on enrollment in private schools: 30% of secondary and tertiary level stu­dents, 40% at the pre-primary lev­el, and 20% at the primary level are studying in privately run schools, while 8% are studying in seminar­ies. It is essential for parents to pro­test against high fees. Echoing the same sentiment, the report men­tions that the schooling of children coming from poor families consti­tutes as much as 80% of the total income of such families. 

It is disheartening to hear the concerns of parents who often face the obstacles of school fees in Pak­istan. Education should not aim to take money from poor people; its goal is to make humans civilized. The government should take se­rious action on this issue, reduce fees, and help students access ed­ucation through scholarships and student grants so that every stu­dent, regardless of family wealth, can receive a quality education.



ePaper - Nawaiwaqt