Ufone 4G, Huawei win GSMA GLOMO award

ISLAMABAD  -  Ufone 4G & Huawei won the GSMA GLOMO award for the category ‘Best Mobile Innovation for Emerg­ing Markets’ at the Mobile World Congress for groundbreaking so­lution of Microwave SuperHub. The global first-ever trial and com­mercial deployment of SuperHub feature was done in Ufone net­work during Q4 2023 enhancing spectral efficiency of microwave spectrum. Microwave spectrum, a critical asset in today’s digital landscape, demands efficient uti­lization to meet ever-growing de­mands of wireless technologies, as challenges facing microwave backhaul networks have intensi­fied, particularly in emerging mar­kets such as developing countries with lesser optical fiber footprints. In response to these challenges, Huawei and Ufone 4G joined forc­es & unveiled the groundbreak­ing SuperHub solution.

ePaper - Nawaiwaqt