Good institutions help boost economy

THE structure or mechanism that governs behaviour of individuals within the human community is known as an institution. The term institution is applied to the behavioral patterns of individuals and the customs important to a society, as well as particular organizations of the government and public services. Institutions are one of the main objects of study in the social sciences, as they create the mechanisms and structure of social order among human beings. Although these institutions may be created by humans deliberately or un-intentionally, the development and functioning of these institutions may vary. By studying different societies (sociology), the analysis about social institutions is interlocking social roles and expectations, creating and composing of groups of roles or expected -behaviours. The function of institutions is the fulfilment of these roles. Institutions are not only by government of public services etc., institutions actually start from ones own home, where the parents care for their children and teach them the basics on how to live their life, how to eat, how to dress, how to interact with other human beings and how to treat animals. The next step is schools that educate you and increase the knowledge and confidence of an individual. Also being a part of how one would behave depends on the given set of institutional rules. Though any one individual is not a part of a single institution but a part of many and the behaviour of the individuals in any one institution may vary. Institutions do fulfil their role in any individuals life, may it be from a business school, army training camps, or even institutions where terrorism is their main area of concern. The term institutionalisation is widely used in social theory to refer to the process of embedding something (for example a concept, a social role, a particular value or mode of behaviour) within an organization, social system, or society as a whole. The term may also be used in a political sense to apply to the creation or organization of governmental institutions or particular body responsible for overseeing or implementing policy, for example in welfare or development. Institutions may not all be of the same beliefs or concepts of one group of individuals, but they are for the other. Institutions are of a huge importance in every society or social system and even help in their economic development.

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