Karachi: AVLC hands over snatched, stolen cars to owners

KARACHI   -   The Anti-Vehicle Lift­ing Cell (AVLC) Thursday handed over 18 snatched and stolen vehicles to their owners at a ceremony held at AVLC Headquarters Sharifabad, Karachi. SSP AVLC Arif Aslam Rao hand­ed over the keys of the ve­hicles including cars and Mazda Truck to their own­ers. The citizens expressed their gratitude to the AVLC after getting their vehicles back. The vehicles that were snatched from parts of Karachi were recovered by the Anti-Vehicle Lifting Cell (AVLC) in three weeks. The SSP AVLC vowed to control the snatching of vehicles. Earlier this month, the Citizens-Police Liaison Committee (CPLC) released a report on Ka­rachi street crimes in the first three months of 2024. The report revealed that as many as 22,627 crimes were reported in the first three months (Jan-March) of 2024. During the 91 days, 59 people lost their lives while resisting rob­beries in the port city, while over 700 people sus­tained injuries.

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