FDE teachers demand overdue payment for exam duties

ISLAMABAD  -  Teachers conducting centralized primary and middle standard exams under the Federal Direc­torate of Education (FDE) have voiced grievances regarding un­paid remuneration and burden­some expenses incurred during exam duties over the past three years. 

Despite assurances from FDE authorities, teachers allege not receiving rightful remuneration for conducting exams and as­sessing papers. Several female teachers, speaking anonymously, lamented the dire situation and highlighted the financial hard­ships they endure to fulfill their duties. Expenses include trans­portation costs to exam centers and purchasing materials for sealing answer scripts.

“I hired a taxi, collected the exam material from FDE, and deposit­ed answer scripts on a daily ba­sis during the exams, but FDE nev­er provided transport facilities or paid transportation costs. I paid from my personal pocket,” shared one teacher. 

The absence of reimbursement for expenses incurred during exam duties has left teachers feel­ing undervalued and disrespected. Promises made by FDE officials re­garding payment for exam duties remain unfulfilled.

For three consecutive years, FDE has failed to reimburse teachers for their diligent efforts in administering exams and as­sessing papers. 

Despite assurances of pay­ment, teachers lament the re­curring excuse of the Accoun­tant General Pakistan Revenue (AGPR) withholding funds, leav­ing them to shoulder the ex­penses personally. 

In light of these grievances, teachers have proposed abolish­ing the centralized exam system in favor of local exams conduct­ed within respective schools to relieve financial burdens and en­sure a more sustainable system for teachers and institutions.

ePaper - Nawaiwaqt