Early marriage linked to fistula, warns Islamabad doctor

ISLAMABAD  -  A leading health official in Islamabad has ringed the alarm about a rise in childbirth complications among young women due to early marriage. Dr Nosheela Javed, Head of the Maternal and Child Department at Paki­stan Institute of Medical Sciences (PIMS), high­lighted the devastating impact of this practice, particularly the risk of fistula formation while talking to a group of journalists here on Sat­urday. “Early marriage forces young bodies to carry pregnancies before they are fully developed,” explained Dr. Nosheela. “This can lead to prolonged labor, which puts immense strain on the birth canal and surrounding tis­sues. In severe cases, it can result in fis­tula, a debilitating condition where ab­normal connections form between the birth canal and bladder or rectum,” she said. She added fistula causes a con­stant loss of bladder or bowel control, leading to physical discomfort, social isolation, and psychological distress. Dr. Nosheela emphasized the avail­ability of treatment for fistula at PIMS, likely through surgery, but stressed the importance of prevention.

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