Bangladesh and Pakistan  

 Pakistan, with vast tourism, cultural diversity, historical traditions and many more features has failed in governing and making the most out of its resources. Pakistan slowly and gradually is improving but unfortunately, it is still behind Bangladesh.

The so-called well-wishers (politicians/leaders) have not left any stone unturned in looting the rights of the deprived, whereas the authorities in power in Bangladesh has proved to be the best.

A few of the major achievements of Bangladesh are mentioned below;

1 - The literacy rate of Bangladesh is 74.68% - Pakistan having 68%.

2 - Bangladesh having GNI 5200 dollars - and Pakistan 4800 dollars.

3 - Annual GDP change of Bangladesh is 8.2% - Pakistan 1.0%.

4 - Foreign exchange of Bangladesh is 45 billion and 23.2 billion of Pakistan.

5 - Moreover the average lifetime of Pakistani is 67 years and Bangladesh again on top having 72 years

But within a short span of time, Pakistan has verily improved. She not only has changed the facet but has also improved diplomatic relations with other countries.

She is surely looking forward to finding alternative courses to play its role in international politics too. One after another favourable outcomes has been attained, such as the successful visit of the Russian foreign minister. And Insha’Allah many more to come.



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