The 50 rupee sugarcane juice that beats all cocktails in Lahore

Punjab Food Authority would probably give these guys a pat on the back

Beating the heat in Lahore’s burning markets is a difficult task to get away with without an ice cold drink. I was walking my way through the busy streets of Liberty market happily having already bought khussas and bangles when a wave of heat hit my head, along with the already blistering rays of sunlight falling into my eyes (Note to self: never going back there without a cap).

Parched, I made my way towards the car, waiting to reach home. At that time a glass of cold water seemed like the most luxurious thing I could have, before eyeing a delightful little bar made to look like a glass carriage. Unable to help my investigative journalistic instincts, I decided to go and order a drink and have a look around.

I stood outside the window, observing the immaculate cleanliness of the counters, utensils and machines. Raw sugarcane sticks were inserted through the machine and pushed through to release juice in a steel bowl through a metal sieve.

I was particularly surprised to see how the metal equipment shined as if it was polished daily. Needless to say Punjab Food Authority would probably give these guys a pat on the back. Considering the outrageous developments of the so-called fine dining restaurants serving smoothies for high bucks, I would gladly take my money somewhere else.

A handful of ice, a little squeeze of lemon juice, pinch of black salt and voila! I think I drank the entire drink in a single breath, completely satisfied. Huge stacks of already juiced sugarcane were thrown at the back of the bar awaiting the garbage collector.

I wasn’t the only happy customer as drivers, mazdoor, cycle walay and posh men in big cars stood outside waiting for the tasty drink. “I work on a construction site nearby”, told a man in a white shalwar kameez waiting his turn. “I come here every day in the middle of the afternoon to refresh myself”.

The liberty police seemed to have found the perfect spot to hang around under the shade of an old tree next to the sugarcane bar. They put their juices aside to pose gladly for a picture showing the seriousness taken to perform their duties.

In the aftermath of things, the day turned out to be quite a good one. For you and everyone else out there, Bholi juice corner, Noor Jehan Rd, next to Liberty Market, Lahore has become a go-to-for-fresh-drinks place. Don’t miss out.

Hajrah Hammad is a mass communication student from NUST who merges her passion for food and journalistic capacity to venture into food writing. She's a regular food blogger here

ePaper - Nawaiwaqt