Adherence to Constitution vital for democracy, says Mahmood

LAHORE   -   Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) South Punjab President Makhdoom Ahmed Mahmood has reiterated the party’s longstanding stance on the importance of adherence to con­stitutional limits by all institutions of the country. He emphasised that such adherence was crucial for de­mocracy, economy, federation, and overall stability of the country. In a recent gathering at Makhdoom House on Thursday, Ahmed Mah­mood stressed the significance of politicians understanding and re­specting their political boundaries, asserting that the approach could prevent constitutional crisis like those witnessed on May 9. He high­lighted the need for mutual respect among politicians, media, judiciary, and other institutions, stating that resolving personal animosities and ego clashes could contribute to ad­dressing the nation’s challenges. Ahmed Mahmood also shed light on PPP’s decision to support the gov­ernment despite lacking sufficient numbers, attributing the move to perilous state of the country’s econo­my, democracy, stability, and federal­ism. He clarified that while the Sunni Ittehad Council did not seek PPP’s support, the party extended its as­sistance to ensure smooth formation of its government in Khyber-Pakh­tunkhwa. Acknowledging the roles of various political parties, Ahmed Mahmood expressed gratitude to the Sunni Ittehad Council and the PTI for facilitating uncontested elec­tions of chief ministers in their re­spective provinces including Punjab and Sindh. He also hinted at Sheh­baz Sharif’s potential uncontested election as prime minister, crediting both parties for their cooperative approach. Commenting on the chal­lenges faced by democracy, Ahmed Mahmood underscored the impor­tance of acknowledging past mis­takes and fostering consensus, cit­ing the Charter of Democracy as a positive precedent, set by the PML-N and the PPP. However, he criti­cised PTI for its alleged reluctance to admit mistakes and its purport­ed lack of faith in the constitutional framework. The gathering saw the participation of prominent busi­ness personalities and party of­ficials, who congratulated Ahmed Mahmood on his recent election success, underscoring PPP’s con­tinued relevance in the political landscape of south Punjab.

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