
This is regarding the news that US drones would now be using smaller missiles. The killing would ostensibly continue in the same barbaric fashion with the CIA-sponsored US spy planes blowing innocents to smithereens the way they have been doing until now but the planes and missiles to be used, they say, would be light. Would that change the fact, a fact admitted by the Americans themselves, that very few of those dying in these attacks are militants. The majority of those dying is, what they themselves classify as 'collateral damage. These attacks are in violation of all international laws. These drones fly in here and go back violating the territory of Pakistan. If it were another country, they should have been shot many times by now. Pakistan, though, continues to turn a blind eye to the deaths they are causing in our tribal areas. We watch in silence as our citizenry that has always been loyal to Pakistan is being ground in dust. US has failed against Taliban and Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan. The only success it has had is against our innocent citizens in Pakistan. -RAQIM HAQUE, Lahore, April 29.

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