AJK govt urged for de-sealing of tobacco firm

MIRPUR  -  The Azad Kashmir gov­ernment’ role has been sought for the de-sealing of a tobacco manufactur­ing company as its clo­sure has rendered over 400 workers jobless es­pecially on the occasion of upcoming Eid-ul-Fitr.

“We urge the authori­ties concerned to imme­diately de-seal our com­pany sealed following a raid conducted on un­founded charges of tax evasion, and restore live­lihood of hundreds of its employees,” said spokes­person of Walton Tobac­co Company, Arif Zia, while addressing a news conference at the Kash­mir Press Club here on Saturday. The compa­ny’s other officials Mu­hammad Ali and Omar Ahmed also accompa­nies him on the occasion.

The spokesperson in­formed the media that their company was the highest taxpayer in Kash­mir, contributing Rs240 million every month. It has been raided illegal­ly and products were seized.

They were of the view that we were doing busi­ness and paying taxes for the last 18 years.

ePaper - Nawaiwaqt