Concrete works on spillway, diversion tunnels of Mohmand Dam going on

ISLAMABAD  -  Concrete works on upper stilling basin of the spillway and construction activ­ities at left and right abutments of the Mohmand Dam besides various com­ponents of the diversion system in­cluding the diversion tunnels in up­coming low-flow season are vigorously going on. 

Official sources told APP here on Monday that the contractor has al­ready been directed to ensure comple­tion of the diversion system during the upcoming low-flow season for diver­sion of River Swat.

WAPDA is constructing Mohmand Dam Project across River Swat in Mo­hmand district of Khyber Pakhtunkh­wa. It is the 5th highest concrete-face-rock-fill dam in the world. The dam will store water for agriculture, control flood, supply water to Peshawar for ur­ban use and generate green, clean and economically affordable hydel electric­ity. The project is scheduled for com­pletion in 2026-27.

With a gross water storage capacity of 1.29 MAF, Mohmand Dam will irri­gate 18,233 acres of new land in Mo­hmand and Charsadda, besides supple­menting irrigation supplies to 160,000 acres of existing land. Installed pow­er capacity of the project stands at 800MW with annual energy genera­tion of 2.86 billion units. 

The project will also provide 300 million gallons water per day to Pesha­war for drinking purpose.

ePaper - Nawaiwaqt