After Shahid Afridi, CM Punjab’s stance on Kashmir irks India

Kashmiris are making valiant efforts for their freedom and survival

For every Pakistani, the issue of Indian-held Kashmir is something that remains close to their hearts, and everyone unanimously believes that the Kashmiris are fighting and sacrificing their precious lives to achieve their inalienable right to self-determination.

Representing what every Pakistani feels, Punjab Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif in his yesterday’s address to the people of Kamalia, categorically stated that the people of Indian-held Kashmir are making valiant efforts for their freedom and survival, and we all bleed when a Kashmiri suffers extreme pain at the hands of Modi regime.

The Punjab chief minister heavily stressed this fact that if we solidly want to contest for the rights of Kashmiris, we need to be internally strong and it is high time that we all put our differences aside, and collectively work for making Pakistan a prosperous state.

CM Shahbaz gave a strong message to the Indian government that constant deprivation of the Kashmiri people to their self-determination through state terrorism and atrocious occupation is highly condemnable, and it is now for the international community to realise what massive human rights violations have been committed in the Kashmir.

This is not the first time that the chief minister has been vocal about the Kashmir cause, as on numerous occasions he emphasised that the solution of Kashmir issue is essential in the light of United Nations (UN) resolutions for maintaining durable peace in the region.

The people of Pakistan warmly welcomed Shahbaz's recent take on the Kashmir issue, and felt that the chief minister's thinking is the most appropriate in context of Kashmir cause, which is to first make Pakistan politically and economically stable.

As usual, the Indian media made huge propaganda out of Shahbaz’s Kashmir stance, and made a failed try to negatively portray Pakistan.

However, such baseless efforts have no end results, and India one day will surely realise that giving Kashmiris their rights would eventually bring peace and prosperity in the region.

The writer has completed MPhil in Mass Communication from Beaconhouse National University, and passionately loves travelling and cricket.

ePaper - Nawaiwaqt