IG Punjab directs women personnel to learn modern policing skills

Keep a special focus on ethics and character building during training to become a professionally strong police officer

LAHORE   -  Inspector General Police Punjab Dr. Usman Anwar visited the Police Training College Chung, Lahore and issued important instructions while addressing the female offi­cers under training.

IG Punjab directed the women personnel to learn modern polic­ing skills and make service to the people as their motto and asked them to complete the training with renewed enthusiasm and en­ter the field after learning practi­cal policing skills. IG Punjab em­phasized that in order to become a professionally strong police offi­cer, special focus should be placed on ethics and character building during training. 

IG Punjab further said that women police force is a wall in front of oppression, you have to go ahead with this mission and become the arm of the oppressed, for the change of police station culture service delivery projects, service centers and protection centers are busy day and night. 

IG Punjab directed that trans­gender people ensure priority measures to prevent social insecu­rity, women and children and gen­der crime. Dr. Usman Anwar fur­ther said that our women police officers are talented who will bring change in the society with their performance. Dr. Usman Anwar instructed Commandant Chung to pay attention to constructive and extracurricular activities includ­ing sports during the training so that the talent of women can come forward in every field. 

Additional IG Training Tariq Rustam Chohan, Commandant Police Training College Chung Mehboob Aslam Lilla and SP PTS Chung Dr. Bushra Jameel and other officers were also present on this occasion. Meanwhile, The Inspec­tor General Police Punjab (IGP) Dr. Usman Anwar has started another good initiative to raise the morale of the police force. 

IG Punjab said that gallantry medals have been started to be given to the officers and person­nels who have shown unprece­dented courage and duty. In a cer­emony held at the Central Police Office (CPO), IG Punjab Dr. Usman Anwar awarded the courage and bravery medals to the dutiful and brave officers of 10 districts. 

All the personnels who received bravery medals were encouraged by awarding certificates of appre­ciation and a cash reward.

According to the details, sub-in­spector of Jhelum District, Usman Tasadeq, was awarded a bravery medal for chasing and arresting the suspects of the robbery inci­dent on 15 call and recovering the looted amount. District Bhakkar constable Ali Haider was awarded bravery medal for pursuit of mur­derous and dangerous dacoits with the help of QRF team. Fais­alabad constables Najeeb Ahmed, Muhammad Asif and Muhammad Shahid were given bravery med­als for their display of courage and bravery in different incidents. Toba Tek Singh constables Qamar Iqbal, Rizwan Shaukat, Okara con­stable Zulfikar Ali, head constable Qasim Farooq were also awarded Courage and Bravery Medals.

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