Pasha meets CIA station chief

ISI Director General Lt-Gen Ahmad Shuja Pasha held a meeting with CIA station chief Mark Carlton in Islamabad on Friday, a private TV channel reported. According to sources, the ISI DG in meeting with the CIA station chief protested over not taking Pakistan into confidence on May 2 raid in Abbottabad. The intelligence officials have given a clear message to Washington that the United States will be responsible for consequences in case of repeat of such operation within Pakistani territory, sources added. Online adds: To allay both domestic and international anger and dismay over the presence of Osama bin Laden in a military cantonment town close to the capital, senior Pakistani officials said that ISI Chief General Ahmad Shuja Pasha may step down soon. According to a news report published in 'The Daily Beast and 'Newsweek, they maintain that an important head has to roll and soon. The Daily Beast quoted Pakistani officials said the most likely candidate to be the fall guy is Lt-Gen Ahmad Shuja Pasha. These high-level sources, who refused to be quoted or named, say that its nearly a done deal. Savvy Pakistani analysts who have close connections to the military agree. It would make a lot of sense, says retired Lt-Gen Talat Masood. Its in his (Pashas) personal and the national interest to take the heat off. The US choppers had hovered over the town during the 40 minute-long operation in the town, and then returned to Afghanistan without a response. People are outraged, says Masood. They see this as the fault of the military in which they have invested so much trust. Pashas resignation could be the first step in a process of rebuilding that badly damaged confidence, Masood and the senior Pakistani officials say. It could ease a lot of pressure, Masood says. It would also help rehabilitate the armys and the ISIs badly tarnished image. People are outraged, says retired Talat Masood. They see this as the fault of the military in which they have invested so much trust. Personally, Pasha could go out with honour and also dispel the notion that he was personally incompetent if he does step down soon as is widely expected. It would help Pasha as an individual because in Pakistan, no one resigns to accept blame for anything, says Masood. It would be a first. Meanwhile, ISI Chief Lt Gen Shuja Pasha has gone on a sudden foreign visit. According to defence sources, his visit is being kept secret by military officials. Sources said the decision to send Shuja Pasha abroad was taken during the Corps Commanders meeting so that Pakistans brotherly countries could be taken into confidence over the unilateral action by the US. During Corps Commanders moot it was felt that Shuja Pasha was the best person to brief the foreign countries about Pakistans stance on OBL. Sources said ISI chiefs visit could be to China, Saudi Arabia and UAE where he is expected to meet senior defence and military officials of these countries to brief Pakistans stance.

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