Royal Navy ship visits Pakistan, conducts joint drill

ISLAMABAD  -  Royal Navy Ship HMS LAN­CASTER with embarked helicopter visited Karachi and conducted bilateral exercise WHITE STAR-IV with Pakistan Navy. Ac­cording to a press release received here on Thurs­day, upon arrival at Kara­chi Port, the Royal Navy Ship was warmly received by senior officials of Paki­stan Navy and British High Commission.

On completion of the port visit, Pakistan Navy Ships TAIMUR, ASLAT, Pa­kistan Navy Maritime Pa­trol Aircraft, helicopters and PAF fighters carried out two-day bilateral exer­cise with Royal Navy Ship and helicopter. The bilat­eral exercise covered a range of advanced oper­ational drills encompass­ing major facets of mari­time warfare, operations, live gunnery firing and de­fence against asymmet­ric threats. The exercise is aimed to further enhance collaboration through mu­tual exchange of experi­ence and improve interop­erability between the two navies. Exercise WHITE STAR is a testimony of PN’s resolve to contribute towards regional peace and stability and enhance interoperability. The vis­it of Royal Navy Ship and conduct of exercise has further strengthened the ties between two navies, said the press release. Concurrent to the ship’s visit, Deputy Commander Combined Maritime Forc­es Commodore Philip Ed­ward Dennis RN also vis­ited Pakistan and called on senior Pakistan Navy offi­cials. During the calls, mat­ters of mutual interest and avenues of future collabo­ration to enhance region­al maritime security were discussed, the press re­lease concluded.

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