The Nation, The Korea Herald forge media partnership

Both publications sign MoU that promises to amplify their global reach and impact in media landscape

ISLAMABAD, PAKISTAN  -  In a landmark move, The Nation and The Korea Her­ald of the Republic of Korea, have en­tered into a Mem­orandum of Understanding (MoU) aimed at fostering a robust ex­change of media content and coop­eration. The signing ceremony, held on Monday, September 11, 2023, in Seoul and Islamabad, solidified this groundbreaking partnership.

The Nation, a leading newspaper in Pakistan since its founding in 1986, and The Korea Herald, one of the largest circulated English-language newspapers in South Korea, dating back to its establishment in 1953, have set their sights on strengthen­ing international media relations. This MoU rep­resents a signifi­cant step toward enhancing mu­tual awareness of each other's con­tent and broadening their global me­dia presence.

Under the terms of the MoU, both parties have committed to a series of cooperative actions, including the mutual exchange of agreed-upon content. Additionally, they will collaboratively share and cover news, interviews, and events organized by The Nation and The Korea Her­ald, subject to prior consent from both sides. The agree­ment also establishes desig­nated contact points for each newspaper, with Mr. Shin Yong-bae, Vice President, serving as the contact point for The Korea Herald and Mr. Salman Masood, Editor, The Nation, as the contact point for The Nation. More­over, the MoU opens the door for both newspapers to co-host events of particular significance based on mu­tual agreement. This joint effort promises to amplify their global reach and im­pact in the media landscape. This momentous partner­ship, rooted in goodwill and media synergy, holds the po­tential to create a bridge be­tween Pakistan and South Korea’s vibrant media land­scapes as both newspapers embark on a new era of me­dia collaboration, bridging cultures and sharing sto­ries in the global spotlight. The MoU was signed Mon­day in simultaneous events held in Seoul and Islamabad. In Seoul, Mr. Choi Jin-young, the Chief Executive Officer of The Korea Herald, and in Is­lamabad Ms. Rameeza Ma­jeed Nizami, the Managing Director of the Nawa-i-Waqt Group, signed the MoU. In Seoul, the ceremony took place at the Pakistan Embas­sy in South Korea. The cer­emony was attended by Mr. Nabeel Munir, the Ambassa­dor of Pakistan to Korea, and the Vice President of The Korean Herald. Meanwhile, in Islamabad, the ceremo­ny was graced by the pres­ence of Salman Masood, Ed­itor of The Nation; Lt-Col (r) Sayed Ahmad Nadeem Qa­dri, the Chief Operating Of­ficer of the Nawa-i-Waqt Group, joined from Lahore via Zoom. While speaking at the occasion, Ms Niza­mi, the Managing Director of The Nation, said the MoU between both newspapers was an important part of Pa­kistan looking at the East for inspiration, friendship and partnership. “We are de­lighted to extend our every cooperation to The Korea Herald to further our mutual cause,” she said. Mr. Choi Jin-young, the Chief Executive Officer of The Korea Herald, reciprocated the sentiments and expressed enthusiasm for upcoming collaborations.

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