National Minority Day

Every year on August 11, we celebrate National Minori­ties Day to honour the servic­es and sacrifices rendered by our religious minorities for the country. Quaid-e-Azam Muham­mad Ali Jinnah was the first to recognise the rights of non-Mus­lims as equal to those of any oth­er Muslim citizen in Pakistan. On August 11, 1947, in his land­mark speech, Quaid gave a vi­sion for Pakistan. 

In his words, “You are free to go to your temples; you are free to go to your mosques or to any oth­er place of worship in this state of Pakistan,” which tells us the real meaning of Pakistan. Unfor­tunately, now minority commu­nities are not treated this way. It is the state’s responsibility to provide and secure fundamental rights for minority communities, but our leaders’ silence on early marriage, forced conversion, and missing persons in minority com­munities hurts a lot. 

We are thankful to former pres­ident Asif Ali Zardari, who offi­cially announced the celebration of Minority Day in 2009 and pro­vided opportunities as well, but the basic thing required is safe­ty and a peaceful life. Many he­roes from the minority have given their lives for the nation, serving in various departments and pro­fessions. Our last breath is ded­icated to our beautiful country, Pakistan. We are proud to be Pak­istanis. Pakistan Zindabad.



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