Hajj Sermon: Piety is the only way to success in life, hereafter, says Imam-e-Kaaba

Millions of pilgrims are currently in Mount Arafat to perform Hajj where the Imam and preacher of the Grand Mosque of Mecca Dr. Maher bin Hamad has delivered the annual Hajj Sermon.

The Hajj Sermon has been live telecast and translated into 50 different languages.

Faith in oneness of the Almighty Allah

The Imam said "Almighty Allah is one in His Self. The Oneness of Allah and the Prophet Hood of Muhammad (PBUH) is the fundamental tenet of Islam. Allah has sent Muhammad (PBUH) as the Rehmat-ul-lil- Aalameen for the universe. A man should opt for the way of Taqwah as this is the only way to success and prosperity. "

He cautioned the Muslims about deceiving nature of this temporary worldly life. "He who opts Taqwah will be forgiven for his mistakes and granted Rizq (Livelihood) from means he would never have imagined", he emphasised.

Believe in Allah and offer prayers

The Imam further said "Allah is the disposer of all affairs, the Hold Quran leads us to straight path, he who believes in Allah, succeeds in this life and hereafter. At various places in the Quran, Allah has ordered us to offer prayers as He showers His blessings on homes of those who say prayers. "

Zakat and Human Rights

He reminded the pilgrims of paying Zakat and taking immense care of human rights. Islam calls for betterment and success of all as it doesn't direct us to harm anyone.

Don't break up with relatives

The Imam instructed to maintain better manners as one with good etiquettes will be successful in this life and hereafter. He also highlighted the important of obedience to parents as one who is disobedient with his parents is doomed to fail in both worlds. Similarly, he warned of Allah's displeasure over abandoning relatives. He also emphasised on justice and dissuaded Muslims from committing injustice.

Giving up bad habits

The Imam precluded in his sermon from alcohol, gambling and infidelity.

Kind behavior with family

The Imam doubled down on behaving kindly with family and avoiding doubts. He also aksed Muslims to avoid backbiting.

At the end of the sermon, he reminded people of The Khutba- Hujja-Tul Widaa which was delivered by the Prophet (PBUH) in which he prayed at length for 'Maghfirat' (Forgiveness) of his Ummah.

Prayers for Palestine

The Imam also prayed for the Muslims of Palestine and safe departure of Hajj pilgrims to their home countries.

ePaper - Nawaiwaqt