PM Kakar gets briefing on country's foreign policy

Caretaker prime minister visits foreign ministry n Gives specific directions on different aspects of foreign policy

Pakistan will continue diplomatic, political support to Kashmiris: Anwaarul Haq Kakar.


ISLAMABAD  -  Caretaker Prime Minister An­waarul Haq Kakar visited the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Thursday and received a briefing on the foreign policy of Pakistan.

Upon arrival at the minis­try, the prime minister was re­ceived by Caretaker Foreign Minister Jalil Abbas Jilani and senior officers.

Foreign Secretary Muhammad Syrus Sajjad Qazi briefed the prime minister about the coun­try's foreign policy. The briefing covered Pakistan’s external re­lations, the working of the Min­istry of Foreign Affairs, recent efforts to strengthen diplomat­ic ties with other countries, and priorities for the future, espe­cially in view of the regional and global developments. 

The prime minister was ap­prised of the steps being taken by the Ministry of Foreign Af­fairs in coordination with the ministries and departments con­cerned, to facilitate the Pakistani diaspora working and residing abroad. The need for close coor­dination between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and all other national stakeholders was dis­cussed with a view to ensuring the synergetic and holistic pur­suit of Pakistan’s foreign poli­cy objectives, security, trade and economic objectives.

PM Kakar shared his vision for a dynamic foreign policy and for strengthening Pakistan’s rela­tionships with other coun­tries. He gave specific direc­tions on different aspects of the foreign policy, with partic­ular reference to facilitation of and engagement with the Pa­kistani diaspora. The prime minister appreciated the cru­cial role played by the Minis­try of Foreign Affairs and Paki­stani diplomats in promoting and protecting the national in­terests abroad. He expressed his desire for continued en­gagement with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to facilitate the smooth implementation of de­cisions in priority foreign pol­icy areas.


Caretaker Prime Minister An­waarul Haq Kakar on Thursday awarded commendation certifi­cates to the valiant commandos, armed forces personnel and lo­cal residents who rescued eight trapped passengers of a dan­gling cable car in Battagram. 

The prime minister, ad­dressing the commemoration ceremony held at the PM Of­fice, said the recognition was well-deserved by every indi­vidual involved, who exhibit­ed remarkable prowess in or­chestrating the mission to a triumphant conclusion. He emphasized that the entire na­tion shared the concerns for the safety of the trapped chil­dren, who remained stranded on the chairlift for hours. He remarked that the successful endeavour was a collaborative achievement, acknowledging that recognition was also due to those who, from the con­fines of their homes, prayed for the safe and successful res­cue operation. He said being a father, he could feel the pain of stranded children’s parents but the teamwork based on prudent efficient planning en­sured their safety. 

“Hats off to all of you who did an immaculate job. The biggest credit goes to those who were carrying out the planning,” he remarked.

Sharing their emotions with the prime minister, the children said they were extremely wor­ried but had a sense of satisfac­tion after coming to know that the Pakistan Army had launched the rescue operation. 

The prime minister said that the paramount duty of the state encompassed providing quality healthcare and educa­tion, and an atmosphere for a dignified life.

Referring to the martyrdom of security personnel in South Wa­ziristan, the prime minister said that those trying to obstruct the State’s functioning through their ill intentions must remove their misunderstanding. 

He reiterated that the nation would never forget the sacri­fices of the martyrs of the war against terrorism, including politicians, police services, Pa­kistan Army, journalists, PAF (Pakistan Air Force), and com­mon citizens. “This is our home. We know how to run it,” he re­marked. 

The prime minister said the pains of the terror vic­tims’ families could not be ex­pressed in words.

He said the salaries be­ing given to the security forc­es personnel were just meant to suffice their needs as their sacrifices could only be recog­nized through respect. “We re­vere them. We respect them,” he commented.

Prime Minister Kakar reas­sured that the state affairs were in the hands of highly capable individuals. The caretaker set­up had limited time and man­date to facilitate the forthcom­ing general elections, he added. 

Earlier, the prime minister also distributed commenda­tion certificates among the se­curity forces personnel as well as the local experts who took part in the rescue operation. The rescued children, who also attended the event, were also given souvenirs. In his address, Chairman of the National Di­saster Management Authority (NDMA) Lt General Inam Haid­er Malik said the effective coor­dination among all relevant de­partments led to the success of the difficult operation. 

He said the safety audit of all the cable cars in the region had been ordered and a re­port would be presented to the prime minister.

He, however, emphasised the capacity building of the lo­cal rescue departments to deal with such emergency situa­tions, which, he said, was also being worked out. 

Caretaker federal minis­ters Murtaza Solangi, Jalil Ab­bas Jilani, Jamal Shah, Sarfaraz Bugti, Anwar Ali Hyder, Ijaz Go­har and Madad Ali Sindhi also attended the ceremony.

Meanwhile, Caretaker Prime Minister Anwaarul Haq Kakar Thursday held a meeting with Prime Minister Azad Jammu and Kashmir Chaudhry Anwar-ul-Haq. The AJK prime minis­ter congratulated him on as­suming the office of caretaker prime minister and expressed his best wishes for him.

The caretaker prime min­ister assured the AJK prime minister of unconditional sup­port of Pakistan to Kashmir. He said Pakistan stood shoul­der-to-shoulder with people of Kashmir in their struggle for right to self-determination.

The PM said Pakistan would continue the diplomatic, polit­ical and moral support of Kash­miris till the Kashmir issue was resolved according to the Unit­ed Nations Security Council Resolutions and as per wish­es of the people of Kashmir through a plebiscite.

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