Govt will not negotiate with leader of criminals: Marriyum

Info minister says Imran seeking NRO in the name of talks

ISLAMABAD    -   Minis­ter for In­forma­tion and Broad­casting Marriyum Aurangzeb Saturday ruled out negotiations with Imran Khan stat­ing that talks could not be held with those who attacked the state and they should be awarded punishment. 

In a statement issued here, the minister said Imran Khan was not ap­pealing for negotiations he was, in fact, seeking an NRO. Taking a jibe at Imran, she said the for­eign agent who com­mitted robbery on Rs 60billion was to be brought to justice. She ruled out talks with those who attacked sensitive installations and buildings which were sym­bols of national pride includ­ing General Headquarters, those who desecrated the memorials of martyrs and Ghazis, who attacked ambu­lances, hospitals and schools and were involved in van­dalism. She said talks can­not be held with those who poisoned the minds of the youth. The minister said that negotiations could not be held with the leaders of the criminals and terror­ists. She said while his par­ty crumbled like a castle of sand, Imran was pleading for talks, recalling how elect­ables were brought in planes to join the Pakistan Teh­reek-e-Insaf. Marriyum Au­rangzeb opined that parties not formed on any political ideology were disintegrat­ed like the PTI. The entire leadership of the PML-N in­cluding Nawaz Sharif, Sheh­baz Sharif, Hamza Shehbaz, Maryam Nawaz spent hun­dreds of days in jails and detention centres, she said adding they faced false cas­es but stood firm and finally emerged victorious.

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