ECP constitutionally bound to hold elections on time: Irfan Siddiqui

Says next general elections should be organised in a transparent manner under supervision of the Election Commission

ISLAMABAD  -  Senator Irfan Siddiqui on Tues­day said that the Election Commis­sion of Pakistan was constitution­ally bound to hold elections on time after dissolving assemblies. Talk­ing to a private television chan­nel, he said next general elections should be organ­ised in a transpar­ent manner under the supervision of the Election Com­mission. He said that Caretaker prime minister has full authority to see day-to-day affairs in the coun­try. However, he said that provin­cial governments should address the problems of common citi­zens. Meanwhile, Senator Kam­ran Murtaza, talking to a private news channel said that the In­terim government was bound to maintain law and order situation in the country. He said that pro­tecting the life and property of common man was also the duty of the interim government. Sena­tor Saifullah Abro said the ECP should organize the general elec­tions within 90-day period after dissolving the national assembly.

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