Conspiracy Theories

In recent years, conspiracy theories have extensively intensified among Pakistani people. Such theories are deemed to lead people into darkness. Once a conspiracy theory takes root in people’s minds, it becomes extremely difficult to dispel. In Pakistan, the major victims of such false theories are high school students. They fall prey due to the dearth of critical thinking strategies being taught in schools.

In this context, conspiracy theories spread like a virus in societies where individuals tend to rely on the judgments of a particular group of people. Thus, they form their opinions without bothering to seek information themselves. Likewise, if efforts are made to counter a conspiracy theory, the efforts themselves are turned into a conspiracy.

Similarly, five years ago, when I was in high school, an elder told me that the United States (US) was the prime obstacle impeding Pakistan’s efforts to attain peace, prosperity, and progress. I went on believing his narrative and accused the US of causing a debacle in my country without seeking reliable information.

Breaking the shackles of conspiracy theories is the need of the hour. People should realize how dangerous such bogus theories can be. On the other hand, these theories suit exploitative politicians. For decades, certain politicians have been using conspiracy theories for their political gains.

Lastly, to effectively counter conspiracy theories, analytical thinking skills via an improved education system can break the mold of these spurious theories. There is also a critical need to eradicate the country’s non-questioning culture. This will pave the way for people to seek information and do research themselves.



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