Pakistani mangoes arrive in China, delighting e-commerce shoppers

ISLAMABAD  -   Chinese consumers are able to enjoy the sweet taste of Pakistani mangoes, as 800 cartons of the prized fruit arrived in China, Gwadar Pro reported on Monday. This shipment, weighing over 3 tons (3,200 kilograms), marks the latest collaboration between Zhitong Batie Ltd in Guangzhou, China and MERA P C Solutions in Pakistan.

The mangoes, renowned as the “King of Fruits” in Pakistan, are available for purchase through various Chinese ecommerce platforms, including’s Pakistan Pavilion, Douyin shops, and WeChat accounts.

This is the first batch of mangoes imported by Zhitong Batie Company this year. They hit the shelves in China at a price of 168 yuan per carton, inclusive of express delivery. Each carton contains mangoes with a net weight of 4 to 4.2 kilograms.

Cindy Chen, regional director of the company, explained that they had carefully selected two varieties, Sindhri and Chaunsa, which are widely considered the tastiest in Pakistan. “Pakistan boasts over 300 mango varieties. We partner with premium mango orchards, providing guidance on variety selection, cultivation techniques, harvesting, and packaging,” said Chen.

“Pakistani mangoes are grown naturally, using traditional methods and naturally fermented fertilizers without artificial growth enhancers or bagging. This ensures a pure mango flavour that Chinese consumers love.”

To maintain the unique taste of Pakistani mangoes while ensuring smooth logistics, a rigorous process is followed from orchards to consumers.

Mangoes are harvested, heattreated and packed before being transported by cold chain to Pakistani airports for air shipment to China. Domestic delivery in China is then handled by SF Express, ensuring freshness and quality.

The company once faced challenges in preserving the freshness of mangoes during transportation.

These issues were addressed through various trials, including proper packaging, employment of air cushions and specialized preservation methods.

By combining pre-sales with swift customs clearance and delivery, customers now receive mangoes that are not only fresh but can also be stored at room temperature for up to 13-15 days, allowing them to ripen naturally and achieve optimal flavour.

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