Pakistan observes Youm-e-Istehsal today

ISLAMABAD    -   Pakistan will observe Youm-e-Istehsal (exploitation day) today to mark the third year of Indian military siege of Indian Illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir and de­nounce illegal, immoral and unconstitutional step to strip its special status.

On August 5, 2019, the Nar­endra Modi-led Bharatiya Ja­nata Party government struck down Articles 370 and 35A of the Indian constitution, thereby scrapping the law that granted Kashmir its special status.

The government has planned a series of activities including seminars and conferences to mark the Youm-e-Istehsal and express solidarity with the op­pressed Kashmiri people while rallies in their support would be staged across the country with vibrant participation of people from all walks of life.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs has released the teaser of song ‘Jal­ta Hai Kashmir’, which will be aired today to expose the atroc­ities of Indian army in Kashmir and show solidarity with Kash­miris against the Illegal occupa­tion by India.

The whole nation will give a message to their Kashmi­ri brethren that the people of Pakistan would always stand with them in their just struggle for right to independence and against the atrocities commit­ted by the Indian forces, said an official statement.

Kashmiri people on both sides of the Line of Control and all over the world will also observe Youm-e-Istehsal to condemn unconstitutional step taken by India on August 5, 2019.

The activists of all the polit­ical parties of the country will record protest over Indian state terrorism meted out against in­nocent and unarmed people of IIOJK through rallies and other activities.

The civil society organiza­tions will also arrange seminars and other programs to highlight gross human rights violations against the Kashmiri people.

One minute silence is to be ob­served across the country. Traf­fic to be halted for one minute and sirens will be played. The print media, Radio Pakistan and television channels will play Pakistan and AJK national an­thems immediately after one minute silence.

Meanwhile, posters and bill­boards have been displayed at the main roads of Islamabad and other provincial capitals to highlight the plight of Kashmiri people and expose the atrocities being committed by the occupa­tion forces in IIoJK.


Pakistan yesterday urged In­dia to reverse the illegal August 5, 2019 step to merge occupied Kashmir into its union territory.

Speaking at a weekly news briefing here, Foreign Office spokesperson Asim Iftikhar Ahmed said India had let loose a reign of terror and suppression, gross and widespread viola­tions of human rights and inter­national humanitarian law, in an attempt to perpetuate its il­legal and forcible occupation of Indian Illegally Occupied Jam­mu and Kashmir.

“And this situation has been particularly aggravated since India’s illegal actions of 5th August 2019, that as you are aware, were accompanied by the inhuman siege, curfews, physical lockdowns and com­munication blackouts, enforced by over 900,000 Indian occu­pation forces, in what is con­sidered the densest military oc­cupation anywhere in recent history,” he added.

The spokesperson said the Pa­kistani nation will join Kash­miris in IIOJK, Azad Jammu and Kashmir and the world over in solemnly observing Youm-e-Istehsal on August 5 to denounce the Indian atrocities.

He added: “Tomorrow, 5th Au­gust, marks the third anniversa­ry of India’s illegal and unilater­al actions of August 5, 2019 and subsequent steps that were de­signed to undermine the inter­nationally recognized disputed status of occupied Jammu and Kashmir, and to alter the demo­graphic structure of the IIOJK – all in violation of internation­al law and relevant UN Security Council resolutions on the Jam­mu and Kashmir dispute.”

He said India had reneged on its obligations and the sol­emn commitments of its leader­ship to abide by the UNSC res­olutions and let the Kashmiri people exercise their right to self-determination.

Ahmed said that since August 2019, at least 660 Kashmiris had been martyred by Indian occupation forces in IIOJK.

“Behind those figures is a sys­tematic campaign of oppres­sion, extra-judicial killings of innocent Kashmiris in fake en­counters and so-called ‘cordon-and-search’ operations, custo­dial deaths, use of pellet guns, enforced disappearances, col­lective punishment, and incar­ceration of almost the entire Kashmiri leadership – their true representatives in order to pre­vent them from raising their voice for the peaceful and legit­imate Kashmiri struggle for self determination.”

In parallel, he said there were a series of arbitrary legal and administrative steps includ­ing land confiscation, influx of non-Kashmiris, creation of alien settlements, and issuance of millions of illegal domicile certificates – all aimed at de­mographic engineering in or­der to turn the Kashmiri Mus­lim majority into a minority in their own land.

In an attempt to hide its atrocities, India, the serial vi­olator of human rights, had employed censorship, and crackdown on civil society, hu­man rights defenders, lawyers and journalists, who were ha­rassed and persecuted un­der the draconian laws, the spokesperson informed.

He said Pakistan appreciat­ed prominent world leaders, parliamentarians across the globe, international media, civil society, think tanks and human rights organizations for upholding the cause of the Kashmiris.

“We are grateful to the OIC for its principled and strong support, as well as the con­sistent position of the UN Secretary General on the Jammu and Kashmir dispute in accordance with the UNSC resolutions.”

“We believe India must re­verse its illegal and unilateral actions of August 5, 2019 and take the necessary steps to cre­ate an environment conducive for meaningful result-orient­ed engagement and dialogue – that leads to peaceful resolu­tion of the Jammu and Kashmir dispute in accordance with the relevant Security Council Res­olutions and the wishes of the Kashmiri people.”

On the US drone attack in Af­ghanistan targeting Al-Qaeda chief, the spokespersons said: “There is no evidence of this ac­tion having been undertaken using Pakistan’s airspace and Pakistan’s position is very clear.”

About the US Ambassador to Pakistan Donald Blome’s re­cent visit to Pak-Afghan bor­der, he said there was no detail to share.

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