The Moulana’s Dilemma

During the last couple of years, the JUI’s Chief, Moulana Fazal Ur Rehman, has persistently blamed the PTI Chief as an agent of the Jews in his various statements. However, in a recent statement appearing in a section of the press, he has taken a different stance, neither owning nor disowning his previous statement by saying, “That was merely a political statement.”

This kind of misrepresentation of facts by the Moulana, who is an eminent cleric and head of a renowned political party, is very deplorable. He should either categorically own and stand by his previous statement or admit the fault of falsely accusing the PTI Chief for political gain. Taking an in-between position now gives the semblance of hoodwinking the truth, which is unbecoming of a religious and political leader of his stature.



ePaper - Nawaiwaqt